Water Recovery &
Recycling: Eco-
Friendly & CA
Compliant Processes

Get Started Here!

Step 1: Site Plan

Before any power washing even begins, our teams will identify any known or visible hazards. Our crews will do a physical inspection of the property identifying

storm drain entry points
possible sanitary sewer drains
local landscape conditions
water collection points
water flow characteristics

Step 2: Containment

Once our power washing begins, the dirty wash water must be contained. Our team uses several tools for this process including:

sand bags
oil absorbents
sand berms
water bags
drain covers
rubber and polyurethane mats

Step 3: Collection

Our team has highly specialized gas powered vacuums and water pumps to recover our dirty wash water. Some of our vacuums are highly customized “auto discharge vacuums” while others have special filtration systems on them designed to filter many of the unwanted oils, particulates, and sediment that is recovered.

Depending on the specific job conditions, we may collect the water immediately after it is power washed at the source while on other projects it may make more sense to funnel the water to a low point were we cover the drains and set up a collection point.

Step 4: Disposal / Recycling

KC Power Clean has some of the most advanced recycling equipment that is available for mobile power wash contractors. Our waste water recycling tools can actually clean our dirty wash water to a level where it is clean enough to even reuse in washing process.
Our water recovery and recycling systems allow us to either

  • Closed Loop system where we reuse the water for future cleaning activities after processing through an oil/water separation and filtration system down to 5 micron
  • treat the water by flocculation for removal of oils, toxic materials, and
  • suspended and dissolved solids
  • discharge back onto local landscape after initial filtration
  • discharge to a sanitary sewer drain after removing oils and
  • suspended solids down to 20 micron (regulations vary by municipality)
  • discharge to an onsite clarifier if the clarifier is designed to properly handle the waste
  • safely drum and haul the water away for further processing at a water processing plant through a privately licensed transporter

Which method we utilize will be strategically selected based on the amount of waste water that our power washing generates and the toxicity of the water.

We Handle Spill Response

The same care we put into water reclamation and recycling, we put into responding to spills. Help us help you mitigate damage and contamination.

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House and Building Wash Talking Points

Most Common FAQs

Are You Insured?

100% Absolutely. In fact, when looking for a sand blasting or pressure washing service, this needs to be a requirement. Using untrained or unprofessional contractors could cost you thousands in damages. Be sure to check out our page of insurance documentation.

How long have you been in business?

KC Power Clean is proud to be celebrating our 15 year anniversary in 2021. During our time serving Orange County and Los Angeles communities, we’ve learned what matters most. Delivering our brand promise, promptly, and with minimal disruption to your day.

Do I need pressure washing or sand blasting?

With a few texted or emailed pictures, our team can indicate the best choice but pressure washing is generally suitable for water soluble stains or surface level grime. It is faster to accomplish in terms of square footage production per hour.

What can pressure washing remove?

With variable pressures available, pressure washing is best solution for hard surfaces with organic growth. A pressure washer creates curb appeal and revitalizes any exterior surface to look like-new. We do offer sandblasting when the pressure washers isn’t enough.

Is it dusty or messy?

Pressure washing is a very clean process but it can splatter dirty wash water onto windows and delicate nearby surfaces or furniture. It’s best done prior to a window cleaning. For certain applications we do have a water recovery system to eliminate all splashing.

How much does it cost?

It really depends on the surface and stain, but generally pressure washing ranges from $.05 per sq ft (for things like parking garages) up to $.50 per sq ft for intensive spill clean up with water recovery & recycling requirements. Every job varies so let’s “start the convo”


Our combined experience and infrastructure is the perfect blend for your next project. Don’t trust your property with just anybody, select the pros with the experience and the horsepower to solve your problems.

Protecting our Plant

Dangers of Ignoring Service

Not only does KC Power Clean Inc have several power washing rigs that are capable of amazing cleaning results but we are environmentally compliant with the Clean Water Act of 1972. This law forbids hazardous wash-water discharge into the Storm Drains (MS4). These drains lead to our local waterways (ie rivers, lakes, oceans etc). If violators of the Clean Water Act are caught, they are punishable by fines up to $10,000. What’s worse is that even the property owner who hired the company may also be liable for punishments or fines up to an equal amount. To protect our customers and ourselves from this potential occurrence, we utilize best management practices (BMP’s). Our power wash rigs are equipped with vacuums capable of collecting and recycling the dirty wash-water. We can even recycle the vacuumed water by passing it through an industrial filtration system so that we can reuse the water in our wash techniques. This is known as a “closed-loop, zero discharge system”.

Furthermore, for your protection, we can even document the environmentally compliant power wash methods utilized on your project on what we refer to as a “Pollution Prevention Voucher“. This voucher acts as our written promise that we will be compliant with the Clean Water Act and gives you the assurance of a project done safely.

Our water recycling equipment is from top manufacturers such as Hydrotek and Water Treatment Technologies. These powerful vacuums have the capability of pumping out the reclaimed water and cleaning the water free of it’s harmful contaminants so that it may be appropriately discharged.

KC Power Clean Inc works with the best suppliers of environmentally compliant tools and products. One of our oil absorbents that we utilize is call HTP. This product is revolutionary in the ways which it encapsulates oil and turns it into a dry waste. It has been approved by the EPA (see approval letter). Check out a link from our supplier site to see how the HTP absorbs oil better than other products.

Read more about commercial window cleaning services.

Get Ready For Amazing Results

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What to Expect

Working With Us Is Easy as 123



We LISTEN & learn about your project needs via a quick phone call, often receiving pictures or videos to help aid in the discussion. We may set up a jobwalk to inspect the property in person where necessary


We always strive to demonstrate a “proof of concept” either via explaining the process or sending you pictures & video demonstration. We can even arrange a sample demonstration if the job is complex


We’ll send you a written estimate so easy to understand that a 6th grader gets it. Get excited about your new project and rest easy knowing experts are doing the job.

Let's Have a Blast!

ive us a call today for a free quote. We’d love to see how we can help you keep your property in top condition
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